The Greater Rochester Housing Partnership is a lender for affordable housing developments throughout the Rochester region. We understand the complex layers of public and private financing necessary to build and preserve affordable apartments and homes. Our loans are designed to work with multiple funding sources and to make the construction phase of development as inexpensive and efficient as possible.
Since 1992, the Partnership has lent over $110,000,000 to borrowers, creating 3,260 affordable single and multifamily units. We have provided predevelopment loans to 25 affordable housing developments. We work with large, sophisticated nonprofit and for-profit developers and small, community-based organizations to design construction and bridge financing that is both reasonably priced and responsive to borrowers needs. These investments have created stable, quality housing opportunities to support the needs and goals of a wide range of individuals and families in our community.
Units Created
3,260 Units
Total Loan Value
Loans = $110,000,000+
Predevelopment Loans
25 Developments
Ada Ridge Phase II
Albion Academy Apartments
Beechwood Apartments
Bohrer Place
Canal Place Apartments
Clayton Heights
Creekside Clearing
Creig Square
Crerand Commons
Destiny at WCP
Durand Senior Apartments
El Camino II
Elliot’s Landing
Flower City Apartments
Glen Lake Apartments
Hale Court
Hobie Creek Apartments
Holy Rosary Apartments
HOME Rochester
Kathlyn’s Garden
Kinship Family and Youth Services
L2P Westside
LaFrance Apartments
Medina Country Estates
Mildred Johnson Estates
Mildred Johnson Estates II
Monarch Senior Living
Monica Homes
Olean Heights
Pueblo Nuevo II
Rexford Place
Rockwood Center
Seneca Place
St. Andrew’s Apartments
St. Salome
The Mayflower (info to come)
Wedgepoint Apartments
West Brighton Senior Apartments

Buy the Block is a City of Rochester initiative to build newly-constructed single-family homes on vacant City-owned lots for purchase by low-income homebuyers. The new homes are located in targeted neighborhoods where vacant land can be assembled to make a transformative impact at the neighborhood-level. Goals include addressing an unmet demand for quality, energy efficient, affordable homeownership housing for low-income buyers; providing low-income households an opportunity to build generational wealth through homeownership; “greenlining” neighborhoods impacted by historic “redlining;” stabilizing neighborhoods through long-term homeownership. 24 newly-constructed, energy efficient, all electric homes are planned in Northeast Rochester. The Greater Rochester Housing Partnership is the developer of these homes, the builder is Atlas Contractors LLC, and Ibero American Development Corporation is assisting with the marketing and sale process. Six model homes have been completed and sold, 18 more are being built for purchase by income-eligible first-time homebuyers.

Durand Senior Apartments is a multifamily, mixed income development project located on Culver Road in the Town of Irondequoit. The development involved the demolition of 2 vacant churches and new construction of two buildings as 70 affordable apartments serving seniors age 55 and older with incomes between 50% and 80% AMI. The development includes ground floor commercial space in which St. Ann’s Community operates an adult day care and coordinates on-site services to residents. Providence Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) and St. Ann’s Community were co-developers of this project and PHDC manages the property. GRHP provided a $9 million construction loan for the development of this project.

In 2020, Home Leasing (CEMC Associates LLC) acquired the severely distressed Flower City Apartments portfolio including 1614–1624 North Clinton Avenue, 699 East Main Street, and 899 Culver Road. The 3 sites include 4 buildings, 149 units total, that are being rehabilitated and maintained as quality, affordable housing managed by Home Leasing. The project serves households with incomes at or below 60% AMI including units dedicated to households under 30% AMI as well as units for chronically homeless individuals. GRHP is administering funds through New York State Homes and Community renewal that are being used to rehabilitate the properties and is overseeing compliance with funding requirements.

Glen Lake Apartments is a mixed-income, mixed-use development located in the Downtown Revitalization Initiative area on 2nd, 3rd and Porter Streets in the Village of Watkins Glen. The development is LEED-certified and provides 34 newly-constructed 1 and 2-bedroom apartments providing “workforce housing” to tenants with household income between 50-80%AMI. 6 units are set aside for developmentally-disabled tenants with services provided by the Arc of Schuyler County. The development includes first floor commercial space which houses a day care program. Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS) and Watkins Glen Housing Authority (WGHA) are co-developers of the project. GRHP provided a $6.7 million construction loan to support the development.

Holy Rosary Apartments consists of the historic renovation of the church, rectory, convent and school on the Holy Rosary campus on Lexington Avenue in the City of Rochester and the construction of 25 new single-family homes in the neighborhood surrounding the Holy Rosary Campus. The project was developed and is managed by Providence Housing Development Corporation. It provides the neighborhood with 60 apartments that are integrated with the City’s Focused Investment Strategy for the area. The permanent financing is provided by New York State Housing and Community Renewal, the syndication of historic and low-income housing tax credits by Enterprise Community Partners and the City of Rochester. GRHP provided construction financing. Construction was completed in 2013.

HOME Rochester is an award-winning program that converts vacant single-family houses into fully renovated for-sale homes. Throughout the City of Rochester, over 800 homes have been purchased by the Rochester Housing Development Fund Corporation and, after renovation, sold to eligible first-time homebuyers. HOME Rochester was established to treat the large number of foreclosures experienced in Rochester in the late 1990s. HOME Rochester houses are renovated prior to sale to eligible buyers. Lead-based paint hazards are removed. Kitchens and baths are renovated or replaced. Roofs, hot water heaters and furnaces are all inspected and repaired or replaced as needed. The goal to provide a home that is energy efficient, safe, affordable, attractive and livable. GRHP is a participating lender in the acquisition and construction financing pool that supports the program and provides day to day working capital financing for the program.

Located in the City of Elmira, NY, LaFrance Apartments is a newly-constructed 37-unit permanent supportive housing project comprised of all one-bedroom units with units set aside for single adults and young adults who are homeless, have an unmet housing need and have a substance abuse, serious mental illness, and/or are reentering the community from incarceration. All units target tenants below 50% AMI. Providence Housing Development Corporation was developer and is managing the project and Catholic Charities of Chemung / Schuyler (CCCS) is providing social services to residents. GRHP provided construction financing for the project.

Pueblo Nuevo II (PNII) is a 29-unit, mixed-use, scattered site project located in Northeast Rochester’s El Camino neighborhood. PN II builds on a larger IADC development project (Pueblo Nuevo I) in the neighborhood which provided 75 apartments in denser living options across two apartment buildings, one duplex and thirteen triplexes. PN II entailed the new construction of 5 single family homes and 12 duplexes (29 units) as well as the redevelopment of a vacant warehouse structure owned by IADC into the El Camino Community Center (ECCC) located at 200 Clifford Avenue. IADC is the developer (consulting developer is Edgemere Development) and IADC is managing the project over the long term. PN II apartments are available to tenants at or below 30% or 50% of AMI. Greater Rochester Housing Partnership provided a $8,100,000 construction loan for the project with Five Star Bank as participating lender.

Wedgepoint Apartments is a mixed-income, mixed-use, new construction development located in Rochester’s South Wedge neighborhood. The development offers 60 units of mixed-income housing serving tenants with household incomes between 50-90% AMI and provides ground floor commercial space. Wedgepoint Apartments was built on a vacant parcel and former location of a Travel Lodge that operated there for decades but became vacant and fell into disrepair. PathStone was the developer of Wedgepoint Apartments and manages the project. GRHP provided a predevelopment loan to help the project secure construction and permanent financing and participated on the project’s construction loan with Key Bank as lead lender. Photo credit: SWBR Architects and PathStone.